This 1943 painting, which was selected for the 6th Taiwan Viceroy Art Exhibition, is a work from Chen Cheng-po's Chang Jung Girls School (Sin-lau) series. Paintings in this series share a similar composition: he creates a sense of space with a zigzagging or meandering path and places the main building in the densely vegetated courtyard, while enlivening the picture with appropriate staffage. This work is no exception, except he enlarges the scale of the two trees in the foreground and reduces that of the main building to obscure most of it behind the flourishing leaves. A pair of girls in uniform is strolling along the path and another is leaning against a tree. This quiet, peaceful and viridescent campus becomes a utopia isolated from the tension and brutality of the wars outside.
- Yuchun Lin, Oil‧Passion‧Chen Cheng-Po (Taipei City: Lion Art Publishing, 1998), 130-133.
- Hsiuhsiung Wang, Chang Jung Girls School Campus by Chen Cheng-Po (Taipei City : Artist Publishing, 2012), 6-9.
Materials & Techniques:Oil on canvas
Dimension:72.7x90.9 cm
Collection of Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Location:Sin-Lau (now on the campus of Tainan Theological College and Seminar. No. 117, Section 1, Dongmen Rd.,Tainan City, Taiwan)