/Japan Period
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Portraiture is a way by which to remember someone, as well as a medium for molding one's self-image. Historically, many painters have tackled the subject of self-portraits. Famous instances included Rembrandt from the Baroque period and Post-Impressionists, such as Van Gogh and Cézanne. After Chen Cheng-po passed away, it was discovered from his possession that he had collected many self-portraits of the above-mentioned painters. In fact, Chen's 1928 self-portrait here carries shadows of Van Gogh's works. The setting is reminiscent of several self-portraits by Van Gogh: Chen is wearing a brown wide-brim hat and a coat over his student uniform; and he faces left and yet looks toward the right. A uniform pattern of round yellow flowers fills the background, their radiating strokes and flamboyant colors also recalling Van Gogh's favorite theme of sunflowers. Chen was likely studying Western paintings at the graduate school of Tokyo School of Fine Arts at the time. This self-portrait expresses not only his admiration for Van Gogh but also his self-identity as an artist.Subject Terms/
portrait, self-portrait, Post-Impressionism, painter, Vincent Van Gogh, sunflower
- Chuanying Yen, The Complete Collection of Taiwanese Art 1: Chen Cheng-Po (Taipei City: Artist Publishing, 1992), 230.
- Yuchun Lin, Oil‧Passion‧Chen Cheng-Po (Taipei City: Lion Art Publishing, 1998), 48.
- Suchu Li, Painting "Something"—A Study on the Stylistic Maturation of Chen Cheng-Po (1895~1947) (Chiayi City: Chiayi City Cultural Affairs Bureau, 2005), 15-16.
- Suchu Li, "Chin To-Ha's Illustrative Plate Collection and His Paintings," Journal of Art Studies 7 (2010.11): 97-182.
- Suchu Li, Something that Reflects the Era—A Study of Paintings by Chen Cheng-Po ( Taipei City: Art & Collection Group Publishing, 2012), 26-28.
Materials & Techniques:Oil on canvas
Dimension:41x31.5 cm
Private Collection