The Tokyo School of Fine Arts is situated inside Ueno park, so the park's sceneries became subjects in the paintings of Chen Cheng-po. The Fine Art Museum in Ueno was one of them. Trees flanking the picture have shed all their leaves and their barren and straggling branches create the ambience of a desolate and chilly winter. Compositionally, they also help frame the view—the branches lead the viewer's eyes toward the fine art museum surrounded by trees, even though the trunks obscure the notice board and parts of the museum walls. Furthermore, the building's classical features such as a white colonnade, redbrick walls and entry stairs are still legible despite the bushes in the front. Other elements like the Japanese national flag over the roof, stair-side lampposts and an automobile indicate the building's official status and an era of modernization.
Fine Art Museum in Ueno, Japan
Materials & Techniques:Oil on canvas
Dimension:53x68 cm
Private Collection
Location:Fine Art Museum in Ueno (today's Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum , at 8-36 Ueno-koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan)